词语吧>英语词典>opt in翻译和用法

opt in

英 [ɒpt ɪn]

美 [ɑːpt ɪn]



  • PHRASAL VERB 决定参加;决定加入
    If you canopt in tosomething, you are able to choose to be part of an agreement or system.
    1. He proposed that only those countries which were willing and able should opt in to phase three...
    2. He didn't exactly opt out because he never opted in.


  • There is a tight core framework that can be used to build high performance web services and then there are opt in plug-ins and additional features that can be cherry picked from.
  • You can choose to opt in and start receiving paid emails to earn cash.
  • The Discussion of Problems that Affect the Application Effect of APC& OPT in Process Industry
  • Besides cafes and cake shops, students often opt to study in the open air.
  • Decisions to opt out of global arrangements ( or an inability to opt in, as we see in the case of governments too weak to combat terrorists who set up shop on their territory) can have repercussions far beyond a country's borders.
  • Objective To observe the efficacy of intense pulsed light ( IPL) incorporated with optimal pulse technology ( OPT) in the treatment of rosacea.
  • The agreement reached early Thursday gives the European Central Bank broad powers to oversee banks in the 17 nations that use the euro currency, as well as institutions in other EU nations that opt in to the system.
  • One way that you can let the consumer know that your site exists is to build an opt in list.
  • Application of OPT in Real Estate Development Investment Decision
  • It is within the sovereignty of every nation to opt, in keeping with its national conditions and the will of its people, for a social system and road of development of its own choice. No one else has the right to interfere.